Basic questions about the VIN code

What is a VIN and where can I find it?

A VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) is a unique vehicle identification number that contains information about the manufacturer, model, year of manufacture and other characteristics. VIN can be found on the car body (for example, under the hood, on the driver’s door frame or in front of the windshield) and in the car documents (technical passport, registration documents).

No, it is enough to enter the VIN-code of the car to get the report. All necessary information will be collected automatically from various databases.

If you can’t find the VIN, check the vehicle documents or contact the seller. The VIN may also be listed on several parts of the vehicle: on the dashboard, on the driver’s door pillar, or under the hood.


Information provided in the report

What information will I get after I check the vehicle by VIN?

Our report contains information about past accidents, damage, legal cleanliness (arrests, liens), actual mileage, service history and other data that will help you evaluate the condition of the car before buying.

Yes, the report includes vehicle mileage information if it is available in the databases. We help identify cases of mileage tampering and display all reported changes.

Yes, if the vehicle service data is available in the database, it will be included in the report. You will be able to see information about work performed and parts replaced.

Our report provides information on the legal status of the vehicle, including liens, arrests, court proceedings and other legal restrictions.


Process for receiving a report

How quickly will I receive the report after ordering?

After entering the VIN code and paying for the service, the report is generated automatically and will be available for download within a few minutes. In rare cases it may take up to 30 minutes to receive complete information.

In rare cases, some data may be missing if it was not entered into the database at the time of review. If you believe important information is missing, please contact our support team and we will try to help.

We cooperate with official sources and international databases, which guarantees high accuracy and relevance of the information provided. However, it is important to remember that some data may be missing if it has not been entered into the database at the time of verification.


Checking cars from other countries and age limits

Can I check a vehicle from another country?

Yes, we provide reports for vehicles registered in different countries. Our report takes into account international databases, which allows you to check the vehicle even if it was imported from abroad.

We can provide a report for vehicles of any age, but please note that for older vehicles (especially those over 20 years old) some data may not be available due to limited storage of information in databases.


Payment and refunds

How do I pay for VIN-code verification service?

You can pay for the service by bank card or through other online payment methods available on our website. Payment is made through a secure payment gateway.

We endeavor to provide complete and accurate data, however some vehicles may not have a complete history in public databases. In such cases, refunds are available for justifiable reasons such as missing key information.


Additional services

Can I check multiple vehicles at the same time?

Yes, we have packages for multiple VIN checks. The more checks you order, the more favorable the price for each of them will be.

Yes, providing the buyer with a VIN verification report is a great way to demonstrate a vehicle’s clean history and increase confidence in the transaction.

At the moment our reports are available in several languages. You can choose the desired language when placing an order.

Yes, you can purchase our inspection service as a gift. Simply enter the vehicle’s VIN and the report will be ready for download.


Technical and legal issues

How often is the information in the databases updated?

We regularly update our databases, but the availability of information depends on the speed of data entry by registration authorities, insurance companies and other organizations.

No, the VIN is unique to each vehicle and cannot be duplicated. If you find multiple vehicles with the same VIN, it may be a signal of fraud or document fraud.

Our service supports the verification of cars, commercial vehicles, trucks and motorcycles, provided they have a VIN code.


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